'Stay, stay at home and rest. Homekeeping hearts are happiest.' ~ Author Unknown.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Our daughter Sarah and I are going 'Visiting'.  We will make our morning visiting calls, stay at home to greet visitors, and visit quilt shops, historic places, antique shops, and lots of family.  We will be visiting a pumpkin festival where the courthouse lawn is filled with ornately carved and decorated pumpkins and the town of Sycamore has a Pumpkin Parade which is second to none.  We will be visiting a corn maze.  We will visit the corn and soybean fields of my Uncle Ken.  We will more than likely visit Panda Express, Sarah's favorite restaurant.  We will be visiting cousins, aunts, uncles, grandmas, and friends.  We will visit while we have a girls craft night, and visit while we do some yard work.  We will be visiting with trick-or-treaters as they make their way around town. We will visit with family on the drive to and from the airport.  We are going home to Illinois for a couple of weeks to 'Visit'.  Visiting is pure comfort, rejuvenating, and soul satisfying. 

Going from Idaho to Illinois is a journey.  We have our projects planned to take with us on the airplane that leaves at 'O Dark-Thirty' in the morning, and we have the Anticipation thing going on for the next few days before we leave.  We will even 'visit' the airplane window beside us frequently as we fly, looking below at all the beautiful fall colors across the many wooded areas, fields, and states we fly over.

Go 'Visiting' today.  You may lift spirits, even your own.

Happy Fall Harvest!



Rachel said...

Hope you have a safe trip! Enjoy your "visiting" ~ sounds wonderful!

frontporchprims said...

The word visiting means so much. How comforting. Hope you are safe in your travels. -Steph-

Penny said...

Wishing you safe travels, and much fun!!

Raymond Homestead said...

Sounds like fun!! Wishing for you traveling mercies!