Whoa! it feels so good to have a working computer back - actually it was our external modem that died. I blog on a Mac, so normally I don't have 'issues' - I can really blame it on the modem. And it is SO very blustery and wet here this evening, but oh how I love it!!! Nothing like soup in the crockpot when it is raining and cold outside.....
I have been busy! Have had my laundry soap 'bucket' done for awhile. It is kinda cute sitting on my dryer holding my laundry soap. Who wants to see a Tide box? My laundry room is right off my kitchen, so it gets a lot of foot traffic and I just had an inkling one day to do something about the Tide box that was obstructing my view - have you ever noticed how BRIGHT a Tide box is? It can cause you to loose sleep at night! Ugh - this is definitely more primitive friendly. Bright vs. Bucket - hmmmmmm.....
Also, I have been working on a shelf I bought clear back in mid summer with a 40% coupon from Michaels. It holds my woolens in my sewing room and I love the colors - the shelf is Olde Pewter from Old Century Colors and when you organize by color all that wool - it became very 'hue friendly!' I hardly use any other brand of paint these days. The colonial paint hues are just gorgeous! Anyway, here it is 'Before' - I almost forgot to take a photo and remembered as I started painting it:
And After:
And here it is in my messy (can you say "Christmas Projects") sewing room:
Makeovers I still need to paint, including 8 wooden bowls that are next in line for a makeover - meet the laundry/makeover room:
So much to paint and so little time. No more thrift store shopping for me until I get this pile under control!!!!!
Do you ever have something you put out on the horizon so you have something to look forward to? It could be a shopping trip, or a day with the girls, or maybe you really look forward to a day trip with your husband. Once a month I drive to Kuna, Idaho and quilt from 6 until midnight with some very fun ladies:
I so look forward to my quilting nights. There is food, giggles, and things accomplished that I can't get done at home. I am also planning a trip to Sycamore, Illinois next week for Pumpkin Fest and quality family time with relatives. I will have a special post on that later. We all need to create our 'escapes'. Promise yourself one, even if it is to the bathtub for a really quiet, hot soak in the tub! In this economy, SIMPLE PLEASURES RULE!!!!
Last but certainly not the least, look at these beautiful quilt blocks my favorite aunt found for me at a garage sale this summer! Aren't they the best? Don't know how I am going to finish these yet, but there are 13 of them:
That's all for now ladies. Hope all is well in your neighborhood and you can see the blessings in your life. It is time to hunker down for the Fall and Winter - all kinds of projects await!
Wishes for a blessed day!
Morning Sanda,
HUM....I am thinking my background didn't load fully so that is why you didn't see the words. When I click on your blog, it starts out a solid color and then your pretty fall background loads and the center is tan. Mine is the same way and the middle is a light tan so the words do show. You might need to click refresh? If for some reason your computer still won't load it, you can go to your dashboard and read it in google reader.
Love the Olde Century color you chose on your make over. Their colors are awesome. I also love the Historic Colors of Benjamin Moore paints too.
I too like to plan something to look forward to. A night with friends doing something you love sounds perfect!! What a joy!
Have a great Wednesday!
Oh, your craft room is to DIE for! So big and spacious! I'd be hanging out there too! I love the color of your shelf, and will have to hunt down some of that Old Century paint. What a lucky find in those quilt blocks!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE the colors! I'm not a quilter (at least not yet) but if I saw those sitting at a yard sale, I would have to have them and give quilting a shot!
Make sure you post your finished hooked rug of Maggie's. I love hooking her patterns; she has great colors. Linda, thepinkeep.blogspot.com
I love that color of paint...it looks amazing on that shelf with all the wool!
Your craft room is awesome! I would love to have something similar to your...maybe someday!
Your laundry room looks good too...why can't I get mine to look as nice? It sure would make doing laundry more fun!
Love the shelf, and love the craft/sewing room..umm I'm not suppose to covet!!! I love your home- and always looking forward to those "little" things around here too!!
I'm laughing because you think your sewing room is messy - you should see MINE! LOL
Hope you'll share some pictures of your hooked rug while you're working on it - I love to see them as they progress. You have a nice collection of wool!
Hope your missionary is doing good - mine is!
Your craft room is awesome!!
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