A is for Apples, those wonderful crisp signs of the harvest season.
B is for Bounty, something we all have in daily blessings. There is ALWAYS something to be thankful for! B is also for BITTERSWEET, something I can't get out here in the Pacific Northwest!
C is for Crows, Candles, and Cornstalks, the perfect decor for Fall.
D is for Days that grow shorter and shorter........
E is for Evenings, spend them with the ones you love!
F is for Firkins, those wonderful things I am in search for (that are reasonably priced!)
G is for Gathering, may nothing go to waste.
H is for a Harvest Moon, such a sight to be seen!
I is for Indian Corn, displaying beautiful fall colors.
J is for Jam, preferably my Aunt Lynn's homemade black raspberry.......
K is for Kandy Korn - nothing but sugar!
L is for Lights - one fetish I have, lots of primitive lighting!

M is for Maple Trees, someday I will get to New England in the Fall!
N is for Nutmeg - it can be used in all our Fall baking.
O is for Overhead Flying Geese - I love the sounds they make!
P is for Pumpkins, in decorating, food, and seeing in the roadside stands.
Q is for QUILTS, of course!!!!
R is for Redware, a wonderful choice to also use in Fall decorating.
S is for Simplify.
T is for Thanksgiving, may we never forget to give thanks!
U is for my Upcoming Trip to Sycamore, Illinois and PUMPKIN FEST!!!!
V is for Very good homemade soup.......
W is for Wool Sweaters, aaahhhh, pure comfort.
X is for X (Cross) Stitching, the perfect Fall hand project!
Y is for Yarrow, a great dried flower.
Z is for Boo at the Zoo, an annual event my kids looked forward to in their childhood.
That is all for now - hope this will post before the computer gives way....... photos and makeovers next time! Thanks for spending some time with me. Until next meeting....
Harvest Blessings,
Great list!! I was mamking apost about mty fall fav's and was trying to incoorporate ABD somehow (being a teacher at one otme of course) and now I know how I will do it! Thanks so much! looking forward to your next post!
Hi, Love your ABC's of the Harvest Season. Was also neat to see Judy's book open to one of my shed, in one of your earlier posts.
Have a Great Week-End. Hugs ~ Connie xox
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