Our daughter making her way off to school. We were LOADED! In the cool-whip container is her pet turtle. Um, yah, that one I wasn't going to take care of......
One of my six fruit trees that bore fruit for the first time. Apples, pears, nectarines, cherries. It is a little tree, but mighty in growth......
A HUGE 'friends' camping trip. Life is GREAT with friends like these........
A special order from Farm House Primitives.........
A really fun trip with our missionaries to an old ghost town in the mountains of Idaho. And check out the beautiful architecture that existed. Beautiful............
And I got a new bike at the end of the summer sales. I haven't had a bike since I was a kid, so this is a huge simple pleasure to me. I just wanted to 'cruise' around the neighborhood. I am having a blast! My husband picked it out - said it was so appropriate for me 'cause it had quilting motifs on the fenders. I am just glad it didn't have pin striped 'flames'..........
Hope your summer is ending well, and take time to enjoy the geese flying overhead, the low sunsets, and hugging a loved one. These moments are so fleeting. I am preparing myself for a flood of emotions that have also come over me as I prepare to welcome home our son.
Blessings on your day!