I went to my favorite store yesterday, Heritage Reflections in Meridian, to spend some money my mother had sent me for my birthday. I just LOVE that place. Anyway, I came home with a woven coverlet square for my dining room table. They really didn't have any left, BUT one of my kindred spirit friends works there and she had one set aside for herself in the back. SHE GAVE HER COVERLET UP TO ME! A true patriot and primitive decorating friend. I love it and I thank Debbie for her sacrifice. What a gal!!!!!!
This is a short post, I am working on a few other projects that will be coming in the next week. I have been busy working on my colonial pencil post bed. Yes, finally, the one I found at the local thrift store for $17. It is being painted and will be set up, photo ready in the next week. I cannot wait, it has been such a long time in the making, bedrooms to be switched around with two kids off to college and rooms to be painted, but the wait for my colonial bed is almost over. Patience is golden they say, so I must have quite a stash being built up somewhere.
Check back in a week for some some photos of before, during and after. Until then, make a pot of your favorite soup today. It is a blustery one in the Pacific Northwest!
Blessings on your day -