What is it with me? I found this listed on our local Craigslist. Spotty photo, sorry.....
I have always wanted a colonial four poster bed and an antique rope bed, and my patient shopping has acquired both within a year. This is not placed where it is going to be, my husband just put it up so we could look at it while deciding where to put it. (My log cabin quilt is laying out on the floor in the back ground.) I have only seen one other rope bed in person and that was in Illinois antiquing with my aunt one beautiful Fall day. I have loved them ever since. Then I stumble onto this one, complete with a newly manufactured 3/4 mattress. Me and my hair brain ideas! Rest assured, it wasn't $17 like my pencil post bed was, but still, compared to what I see on eBay and what these go for back East, I got a bargain. Maybe living in an 'antique desert' is a blessing for finding the real good antiques that make their way out West. Most people don't shop much for these kinds of things out here. Even though I am LUCKY to find this way out here in Idaho and I am grateful that it is now residing in our home, I am banned from shopping at thrift stores or Craigslist for awhile. My husband is afraid of what I will come home with next!
What a gorgeous bed!! Can't wait to see it in place.
That magazine cover is sweet indeed but I have an even better one posted on my blog!! Stop on over!!
What a beautiful bed!
I enjoyed the cover, both because the picture is charming, and because she is wearing a short gown, ( jacket) which is what I wear when we go to rendezvous. Our family dresses in mid 18th century era clothing.
So, did you ban yourself? LOL
What treausres both of your beds are! :-D
Enjoy your day.
early american life is a wonderful magazine. i pick it up when ever i see it. love your bed.
I did this once, don't know where it here goes
I like your header picture too.
I was just thinking....mothers day is soon, and you're going to be getting a missionary phone call!!! Wahoo! They are the best phone calls ever!
Very tender to a mom's heart!
Wow! What a great find! Can't wait to see it after you're done with all your fixing up......
Thanks for sharing your blog with me. I love the bed! I am looking for a queen sleigh bed frame on Craig's List right now. Wish me luck.
Love it!! Sort of looks like "thistle" posts. Can't wait to see it placed in it's home.
:-) I have a rope bed with a trundle for underneath and don't have it up. We had been using it in one room that became the office, and now I need to redo the other room for it. Just not enough time in a day, is there? (sigh) You did good on your buy!!!!
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