'Stay, stay at home and rest. Homekeeping hearts are happiest.' ~ Author Unknown.

Friday, February 13, 2009

~'Tis Sweetest Day~

'Love is not Love, until it is given away.'

'Tis Sweetest Day. Who is your sweetheart? Who makes your heart beat faster? Who does nice things for you to cheer up your day? I am the kind of person that doesn't need a dozen red roses or a heart shaped box of candy, although I am very weak with DARK chocolate. But I do have a dearheart husband that jumps everytime I need something fixed or I am struggling with a project. I love the way dearheart has suggestions to make daily life easier. He writes wonderful letters to me and is very patient and is 'long suffering' with my weaknesses. Dearheart's name is John, and he is my Valentine. We have been married for almost 22 years and have 2 beautiful children. He makes great fruit smoothies and the best scrambled eggs. He is very much in every one of my days.

On a side note - I am still working on my curtains and finishing a cross stitch. I wore my apron all day today and rearranged some furniture. I have been 'tweeking' as Linda from Behind My Red Door has been doing. I do like to tweek, and I am going to be painting a spare bedroom this next week and trying to decide which quilt to put on the bed. I will be taking some before and after pictures of the redo. The weather here is blah, and by that I mean no weather at all. No snow, no rain, no wind, no nothin'. Just ugly gray fields, grass, and sky. So it is perfect to still stay inside and 'stir the nest.'

Enjoy your long weekend, and have fun, whatever is happening. Be simply minded and love your family. Blessings on your time spent together!



My Colonial Home said...

Hi Shanda, I see you are one of my followers of my Blog...not sure why I didn't see this sooner.

I feel the same as you that I was born much too late...my heart and dreams are in the 19th Century! lol

Love your Blog....
Hugs, Karen

Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

MY DH is the same way. At Christmas this year he took the words to a famous love song and tweaked them for us. That was the best gift of all and I'll keep him for another 34 years!

Have a wonderful weekend and looking forward to your room redo.

hugs, Linda